5-15 Farm Run 5k
Ratings, Reviews and Statistics

Event Ratings

The ratings for the 5-15 Farm Run 5k are based on six metrics that provide an overview of the nature of this event. The ratings marked “Meteor.Run” summarize the statistics calculated from the results of past editions of this 5k. The ones marked “Users” show the average of user impressions of the event. If you have participated in this race please share your opinion by checking the boxes marked “You”.


Event Description

It's our annual "Running with the Cows" event... the 5/15 Farm Run presented by Sports 4 at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum on the grounds of the Central Experimental Farm... It's traditionally a beautiful evening for either a 5K or 15K run on the farm, and a 1K for kids. 5/15 is also significant in that at 5:15pm the cow whisperers will be running the cows to the field at that time... we invite you to bring the whole family out to enjoy! We also would like to acknowledge the support we receive from the Friends of the Farm who prepare our refreshing post-race snacks under the big tent!

  • Event Website:
  • Location:
    97QQ+58 Civic Hospital - Experimental Farm - Central Park Ottawa ON K2C 3K1 Canada
  • Next Edition:
  • Number of Participants:
  • Event Cost:
  • Other Events:
The above values are estimated from information available at the time it was collected.
Please check the event's official website for details.

Statistics and Charts

Below are the statistics calculated for the 5-15 Farm Run 5k. These statistics are based on results from the past three editions of this 5k. Each card below includes an interactive chart, a brief summary explaining the statistic, and a table showing the data. The cards provide a more detailed look into specific aspects of this event.

Top Times per Age Group

This graph shows the time needed to place at the top of each age-group.

What age-groups perform the best? For this event women in the 30-39 age-group and men in the 15-19 age-group were the fastest runners. One can also compare the performance of each age-group in this event (blue bars) to the age-group's average performance (orange bars).

Top Times by Age Group - Female

Time in
Avg. Time in
1-14 00:27:56 00:24:43
15-19 00:28:58 00:23:06
20-29 00:27:10 00:20:58
30-39 00:22:15 00:20:49
40-49 00:26:38 00:22:19
50-59 00:24:22 00:24:11
60-69 00:27:06 00:27:47
70-100 00:28:30 00:38:25

Top Times by Age Group - Male

Time in
Avg. Time in
1-14 00:23:28 00:21:24
15-19 00:18:28 00:18:57
20-29 00:20:46 00:17:49
30-39 00:19:36 00:18:02
40-49 00:21:28 00:19:02
50-59 00:22:29 00:20:02
60-69 00:28:23 00:23:05
70-100 00:31:46 00:28:27

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.

Participants by Age Group

This pie-chart shows the percentage of particpants by age group.

There are two charts, one for women runners and the other for men. Hover or tap on the age groups buttons displayed below the pie-chart to see percentage of participant for that age-group, as well as an average, shown in orange. This average is based on the participation rate for that age-group across all races. When the colored pie segment perturdes past the orange segment it indicates that this race has more partipants in that age-group than average race.

Percent of Female Participants by Age-Group

Age-Group % Female Average %
1-14 5.7% 7.0%
15-19 3.7% 6.1%
20-29 12.7% 17.8%
30-39 19.6% 23.9%
40-49 28.6% 23.1%
50-59 18.8% 15.5%
60-69 10.6% 5.4%
70-100 0.4% 1.3%

Percent of Male Participants by Age-Group

Age-Group % Male Average %
1-14 19.7% 10.5%
15-19 5.5% 8.5%
20-29 13.4% 14.9%
30-39 9.4% 19.8%
40-49 19.7% 21.0%
50-59 22.0% 16.0%
60-69 9.4% 6.9%
70-100 0.8% 2.3%

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.

Time Needed To Reach the Podium

Here are the times required to place in the top 3 overall.

If you are a woman and you can run this 5k faster than 00:22:05, there is a pretty good chance that you will win the race. If you are a man you will need to run it in 3:03 faster.

Time Needed To Reach the Podium - Female

Time in
Avg. Time in
1st 00:22:05 00:19:12
2nd 00:23:51 00:20:29
3rd 00:24:39 00:21:09

Time Needed To Reach the Podium - Male

Time in
Avg. Time in
1st 00:19:02 00:16:52
2nd 00:19:51 00:17:28
3rd 00:20:59 00:18:01

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.

Top Time Per Decile

Few runners are fast enough to win races. This chart shows which position one could expect to finish given ones ability.

Take the time you would expect to run this event in, say 30 minutes. Then find the time on the chart that would be closest to yours. For a woman, for this event it would be 00:29:48. So one would expect to finish near the 30th percentile or close to the 20th position.For a man we would expect to finish near the 60th percentile or the 20th place.

Top Times per Decile - Female

Time in
Avg. Time in
10% 00:26:13 00:26:28
20% 00:28:13 00:28:52
30% 00:29:48 00:30:48
40% 00:31:37 00:32:36
50% 00:33:11 00:34:32
60% 00:34:04 00:36:48
70% 00:35:31 00:39:27
80% 00:38:09 00:42:57

Top Times per Decile - Male

Time in
Avg. Time in
10% 00:21:03 00:21:40
20% 00:22:40 00:23:48
30% 00:23:49 00:25:35
40% 00:24:53 00:27:17
50% 00:28:08 00:29:09
60% 00:29:36 00:31:15
70% 00:32:07 00:33:56
80% 00:33:39 00:37:16

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.
5-15 Farm Run 5k - Chart Female participants by age group

Ratio of Female to Male Participants

65.9%* of participants in this event are women.

Hover over or tap the female and male buttons below the pie-chart to see the figures. The orange pie slice displayed behind the selected segment shows the average based on the particpation rates of all the races. If the colored segment extends past the orange one then the percentage is greater than the average.
* Value is based on the average of the past three editions of this event.

Percent of Female Participants by Age-Group

Gender % of
Average %
Female 65.9% 58.1%
Male 34.1% 41.9%

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.
5-15 Farm Run 5k - Chart Ratio of Returning to New Participants

Ratio of Returning to New Participants

A sign of a great race is one where you want to come back and run it again.

7.6% of the participants of this event came back the next year to run it again. Hover over or tap the "New" and "Returning" buttons below the pie-chart to see the figures. The orange pie slice displayed behind the selected segment shows the average based on participation rates of all the races. If the colored segment extends past the orange one, then the percentage is greater than the average.

Returning to New Participants

  % of
Average %
Returning 7.6% 22.0%
New 92.4% 78.0%

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.
5-15 Farm Run 5k - Chart Number of Participants by Year

Number of Participants by Year

This graph shows the number of participants per year.

278* runners participated in the last edition of this event.
* The value reported may vary by a small margin from the actual number of participants.

Number of Participants per Year

Year Number of
2017 35
2018 59
2019 278

Values are based on the average over the past three editions of this event. The average value is the aggregate of the values of all events in this distance. The values and averages are subject to change as the latest editions and new events are added to the database.

Meteor.run Calculators

The calculators use aggregated results from many races like this one to form a baseline.

You can then compare your individual performance to the baseline and account for factor such as age, gender and distance. Two calculators are available:

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